Monday 25 May 2009

May Day! May Day!!

Ah ha!!
Finally, I am putting down some intrepid lines!
So what has been happening?

In February, one of my short stories, Kilmoro River was accepted for publication as part of an anthology on African writing.

In March, I feverishly entered several competitions, one of which was Diverse Voices in February and was informed I had been long-listed.

In April, I was shortlisted for my children's book "Gbenga and the reticent chromosome".

In May, I was accepted for a Masters programme in the UK. Yes, for writers. I have accepted. Hmmm...

I think the last is perhaps the most nail-biting because it was the most recent and it will entail actually committing to hard work for several long months.

This wish and willingness to take part in such a course is actually very interesting given that I was one to previously scorn writing courses at the post-graduate level. Surely, I thought, you can't teach natural talent? Why do a course on something you already know how to do?

I have only come round (yes, a 360 turn) simply because I have convinced myself that it can only improve what I think I have and could otherwise help polish some of the atrocious authorship errors I may otherwise commit. (I am of course not admitting to any from the past).

I have other projects in the works and I hope I will actually be able to keep my promise (this time) and from now on keep updating the info on this blog. Let's all hear an Amen!

For now, adios.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your shortlisted book and on being accepted for the Masters!! I look forward to reading more of your stuff.

Marjorie said...

Congratulations on getting onto the MA course - whereabouts in the UK will you be?